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A Verdadeira História do Caibalion – Com Nicholas Chapel (Hermeticulture)

Atualizado: 19 de mar. de 2022

Bate-Papo Mayhem 163 – gravado dia 17/04/2021 (Sabado) Com Nicholas Chapel (Hermeticulture) – A Verdadeira História do Caibalion

Os bate-Papos são gravados ao vivo todas as 3as, 5as e sábados com a participação dos membros do Projeto Mayhem, que assistem ao vivo e fazem perguntas aos entrevistados. Além disto, temos grupos fechados no Facebook e Telegram para debater os assuntos tratados aqui.

HGA panel discussion with Jason Miller, Rufus Opus, and BJ Swain:

Frances Yates, “Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition” Frances Yates, “The Rosicrucian Enlightenment” Rufus Opus, “Seven Spheres” Aidan Wachter, “Six Ways” Academic studies on Hermeticism and western esotericism by Wouter J. Hanegraaff and Antoine Faivre Josephine McCarthy’s “Quareia” course:

I had also mentioned Lon Milo DuQuette; his two “Chicken Qabalah” books are great introductions to some of the basics of Hermetic concepts, but they don’t give the best foundation. For that, I’d look at John Michael Greer. He’s more focused on Druidry these days, but he started out in the Golden Dawn tradition. Greer’s book “Circles of Power” is a great introduction to lodge-style magic from a Golden Dawn perspective, and his book “Paths of Wisdom” is the best modern introduction to Hermetic Qabalah that I’ve found. Greer also has a book called “Learning Ritual Magic”, which I haven’t read personally but which I would expect is a great introduction for the beginner. As a specific recommendation for Wouter Hanegraaff, I can recommend “Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed”. Antoine Faivre’s “Access to Western Esotericism” is a great academic history of the field. I also recommend the book “Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times”, edited by Roelof van den Broek and Wouter Hanegraaff. I believe I also mentioned Patrick Dunn’s books “Postmodern Magic” and “Magic, Language, Power, Symbol”.

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